Lifestyle · Lucy · Makeup

Kylie Cosmetics Review

So, I bought some of the Kylie Jenner lip cosmetics because it’s just all the fucking rage apparently. I have never in my life owned lip liner or even a lipstick. I have dark pink lips already so I have never seen the need until now, I guess. I thought it would be really fun to try and I read like 400 reviews before buying it so I felt really good about the purchase.

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Processed with VSCO with f2 preset


I purchase the KoKo K Lip Liner (links below to purchase!)

& the So Cute Lip Gloss.

So this is what my lips look like with nothin’ on dem. And this is me, being lazy as hell and looking ridiculous.


I put it on at 6:30 this morning, and I applied pretty lightly because I’m a beauty minimalist and didn’t want to look silly or feel uncomfortable. My first initial thoughts about the lip liner was that it went on really smooth which I loved. I wish the color was brighter on my lips, so I was kind of bummed out that it wasn’t as pink on my lips as it is on some other women I’ve seen. I tend to forget that my lips are darker than the average.

My initial thoughts about the gloss was that it was thick as fuck. Like, a lot thicker than I was expecting. I really loved the vanilla smell to it and I like the way it looked on top of the lip liner. It was a very natural look to me. However, about 5 minutes later my lips looked huge (well huge to me at least)!! Those lip plumpers in the formula are no joke. I didn’t mind the look but it defiantly caught me off guard.
** I did throw filters on these photos because the morning light was terrible and it made the color pop out more on the camera. It did actually look like this.

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Processed with VSCO with g3 preset
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Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

At around 8:00 am I put some vaseline on because my lips are just generally dry. It didn’t ruin the coverage at all. At this point, I am still impressed with the quality. I had read several places the gloss had major lasting power through daily activities like drinking water, eating, ect.

But not really. I thought the lasting power was pretty terrible. I noticed around 10:00 am that my lips kind of looked crusty! Nothing worse than that… So I re-applied… A little more generously with the liner and the gloss to see if that made a difference.

No. It made it worse! Crust faster! Ugh.

So I re-applied AGAIN at 12:00 pm just the way I had done it at 6:30 am. It still didn’t last the way I was hoping it would.

This is the last picture I took of it.


This is not my impressed face! I think it looks pinker in this photo becasue I applied and re- applied so much through out the day.

Now, I don’t want to go bashing Kylie Jenner and line because I do think she has great products. A lot of my friends really like them and I am up to the challenge to try the matte lip at some point. I think both of these products would do well on their own or with another lip  product. Like, later in the day I layered the liner with a moisturizer “almost lipstick” I have by Clinique and it was flawless. It looked gorgeous and it didn’t dry out at all. I also think the lip gloss would be crazy cute on bare lips, which I’m gonna try tomorrow.
I will defiantly use both of these products again, I was just not crazy about the combination together.



And here’s a pic of Lulu, she says Hi 🙂 IMG_2618 (1)


xo- Sammy & Lucy

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